Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Discussion Questions for THE SHACK

Here are some discussion questions that I found online for The Shack. Please feel free to write in any additional ones that you'd like to discuss on Wednesday at Heather's!!

1. Were you drawn in by the plot of The Shack?

2. Why do you think Mack's encounter with God took place at the shack? If God were to invite you somewhere, where would it be? (In other words, where is the center of your doubt and pain)?

3. Do you think suffering makes people closer to God or causes them to distance themselves from Him? What has been the pattern in your life?

4. Were you satisfied with God's answers to Mack about suffering? Do you struggle with believing God is good in light of all the tragedy in the world?

5. How is Young's description of God different from your concept of God? What parts of his description did you like and what parts didn't you like?

6. Did The Shack change any of your opinions about God or Christianity?

7. What were some of the things The Shack teaches about God, faith and life that you disagreed with?

8. Rate The Shack on a scale of 1 to 5.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Is it too late?

I watched a really interesting documentary last week about the Lost Boys of Sudan. Is it too late to add another book to the list? Jared, Andy's husband, said he could possibly have one of his friends who is a Lost Boy, come speak to us which would be really cool. I know this was on a previous list but if it isn't too late, I want to nominate:

What is the what?
by David Eggers

Valentino Achak Deng, real-life hero of this engrossing epic, was a refugee from the Sudanese civil war-the bloodbath before the current Darfur bloodbath-of the 1980s and 90s. In this fictionalized memoir, Eggers (A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius) makes him an icon of globalization. Separated from his family when Arab militia destroy his village, Valentino joins thousands of other "Lost Boys," beset by starvation, thirst and man-eating lions on their march to squalid refugee camps in Ethiopia and Kenya, where Valentino pieces together a new life. He eventually reaches America, but finds his quest for safety, community and fulfillment in many ways even more difficult there than in the camps: he recalls, for instance, being robbed, beaten and held captive in his Atlanta apartment. Eggers's limpid prose gives Valentino an unaffected, compelling voice and makes his narrative by turns harrowing, funny, bleak and lyrical. The result is a horrific account of the Sudanese tragedy, but also an emblematic saga of modernity-of the search for home and self in a world of unending upheaval.

*** If it's too late, I'll just nominate this book next time. :)

Friday, January 9, 2009


Yen asked me yesterday if we are still interested in a "make up class" with her. If yes, when should we do it? Monday nights are best for her, but she's somewhat flexible, with advanced notice.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009 To Do's

It's time to pick new books for the first half of 2009 AND pick new hostesses!

Please post a comment on:

1. Which month you would like to host (January through November).
*Please let the pregnant ladies choose first.

2. One or two book nominations.
*Please submit your post no later than January 19th so that we can have a chance to review the nominations before we vote on Monday, January 26th.