Friday, January 9, 2009


Yen asked me yesterday if we are still interested in a "make up class" with her. If yes, when should we do it? Monday nights are best for her, but she's somewhat flexible, with advanced notice.


Kristin said...

I think that sounds great. I am totally in. Monday nights work great for me.

Andy said...

monday nights are ok for me too!

Amy said...

I'd be in for a Monday!

Kellie said...

Me too - do we want to try to do it in January? Right now I'm open for either the 19th or 26th.

holly said...

sounds good to me! how fun!!

Alix Bryant said...

Okay, sorry to throw a wrench in things but Yen said that actually Wednesday, 28th would be best because of something about her having more make up on hand? I'm not sure. I know that our scheduled book club night... can we fit it all in???

The cost is $25 a person. So, if there is anyone that is not interested in a make up lesson but is still planning to come to book club, please let me know and we can rescheule with Yen. Does that sound fair?